The Haiku Foundation published one of my poems on their wonderful blog. Check it out! This month is about window shopping. Window Shopping
The Haiku Foundation published one of my poems on their wonderful blog. Check it out! This month is about window shopping. Window Shopping
Several months ago I was searching the internet for some good ideas on teaching poetry to Jr high and high school students. I came across this great post on Medium by Jon E. H. Burton who was participating in a 100 Day Haiku challenge. 100 Haikus: Day 79 A poem about me laying on my floor after a long And then I came across another great post on Medium by Courtney Symons. What I…
Do you want to keep your mind strong and active? Read this blog post for some great ideas.
The Google dictionary defines “story” as 1) an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment or, 2) an account of past events in someone’s life or in the evolution of something. I love the explanation of number two: the evolution of something. Isn’t that what the story of our lives is, the evolution of something. We are not who we used to be and we are not who we are going to be…
It’s 2018 already! The year came so fast. Thinking back on 2017, what would you have done differently? Do you feel that you made the impact that you wanted to? The good thing is it’s a new year and we have 365 more chances. Marguerite Annie Johnson Angelou was born on April 4, 1928, and passed away on May 28, 2014. She is better known as Maya Angelou. Maya Angelou was a very influential writer…
One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The quote is “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer” Dr. Dyer was known as the “Father of Motivation.” Recently I saw the movie Wonder, where this quote was used as a precept for a Jr High class. This is such a powerful saying; “choose kind.” Being kind is a choice. It is not always the easy…
The movie Life just came out in theaters this weekend. What a great title for this movie. Life! The possibilities are endless with a name like that. In fact, the movie is about seven lives, all at different places emotionally, different reasons for being there, and they all have to work together. In the film, the astronauts are trying to prove there is “life” on Mars, and end up trying to saves the lives of…
I know the Hunger Games books came out a while ago. However, if you are like me and my family, you do not just read a good book or see a good movie only once. In fact, you read the book or watch the movie several times. You revisit your favorites quite often and each time you do, you find another nugget of wisdom or you notice something you did not notice the first couple…
Hi everyone, I’m excited to share my very first short story that I ever wrote. It has been published by Wordhaus. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Please feel free to leave comments. I appreciate any feedback. genre short stories – romance, mystery, thriller, science fiction, fantasy Source: Ben | wordhaus