
Tell Your Story

The Google dictionary de2016-05-31_05-30-38(1)fines “story” as

1) an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment or,

2) an account of past events in someone’s life or in the evolution of something.

I love the explanation of number two: the evolution of something.  Isn’t that what the story of our lives is, the evolution of something.  We are not who we used to be and we are not who we are going to be either.  Each and every day we change.  Things, events, and people impact us either negatively or positively all the time.  It is all of these things that make us individual and unique.

I have been told by many people that I’m weird.  That’s fine with me.  I was talking with my Pastor’s wife and I told her that people have told me that I’m weird.  I love her reply back to me.  She said, “We are all weird.  That’s what makes us unique.  The people that think they are not weird are only lying to themselves.”  Her answer was so awesome.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized that we are supposed to be different and unique.

When God made each of us, he made us unique and different from anyone else.  We shouldn’t fit into a box that others have designed to keep us in.  We need to design our own box.  When my daughter was young, there was a boy at her school that wanted to wear his shirt backward.  I overheard another parent asking his mother how she could allow him to come to school like that.  Her response to him was, “I choose my battles wisely.  He isn’t hurting anyone by wearing his shirt backward.  He wants to display his individualness.  That’s fine with me, there are way too many other things to worry about.”  The questioning parent was speechless.  I loved it.  Untitled design (5)

Only you can tell your story.  If we give in to the pressures of everyone else, to fit into a box that was not made for us, we will only be hurting ourselves.  What kind of story is your life trying to tell?  If we are not ourselves, then it is a work of fiction.

I read a wonderful post by Temitope Durotoye.  In his post he said:

“Have you ever wished to be like someone else? Well, no matter how much you try to be like someone, you can only be your own version of that person. So why waste so much time trying to be someone else when you can be the best you you can be.” 

Don’t waste your time trying to meet the expectations of others.  Your life is a story that only you can tell.  No matter how strange that story is, tell it the best way that you can. Along the way, there might be some that don’t appreciate your story.  Move on, they aren’t worth wasting your time.  I’m slowly learning this lesson myself.

If you have an interesting story to share, tell it here in the comments.  I’m happy to read it.  Have a great day!  Thanks for reading.